Sunday, September 14, 2008

nothing new to report

still waiting on notes for the script, I'm trying to decide between trying to film just the pilot or being a dick to everyone who offered to help and trying to write all 6 episodes and film them all at once. based on the way i wrote that sentence you can guess which way I'm leaning. in other news I've been getting increasingly better at the ancient oriental art of pseudo-quw (sudoku) and I'm likely to get my loan money in a couple of weeks... so yeah nothing but excitment on this end. lots of homework for my classes which i still barely feel like i'm in. alread missed a couple of assignment... wow i need to get back into school mode. my hearts jsut not in it yet ... i'm in fact so apathetic right now that i'm not even gongi to spell check this and make sure that every "i" is an "I" despite how much i like having things that refer to me, Simon Koch, capitalized... what ever i'm done.

listening to: Madness - one step beyond

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