Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Now you can see how bored i look while i write things that will bore you later

So i haven't made a blog in a while. i was relying on those Green Screen Vlogs for a while, (mostly to report on stuff that all fell through) but i cant do those now that I'm living with my parents for the summer, and they hardly have enough space to consider a decent working studio. any ways, i figure it'll be just as good to record myself typing this blog... right... that's the same thing. if it helps you can play it and listen to me type as you read it. I'll wave at the point where i get to this sentence. any ways

real news. well... actually i have no real news. I'm a crippled artist. living at home. i could tell you all kinds of fun about my personal life, like how I'm back at the gas station working for the summer, or how i got to read/write a speech for my brothers wedding last week. that was fun. but any who. still working on the feature film script. still working on a spec script for a popular Disney channel cartoon (this is when i burp in the video) and someone showed me a contest where you can submit a pilot and fox will make the winning script. i might go over hobo town and submit that. remember hobo town?, that thing i said i was going to do a while ago. any ways. if you haven't herd my internships in California had to be canceled due to legal issues... that's right the fine state of Ohio just doesn't want me to leave and it's going to sick its lawyers on me until i realize there's no way out.

in case you were wondering I'm playing mc frontalot on those stylish headphones.

well this video is getting long so I'm going to stop. maybe I'll do something worth talking about soon ... then i can talk about it. later.

(wow, just looked that over, took me 7 minutes to write, probably wont take you 7 minutes to read.)

oh yeah i'm on twitter now too, so yeah ...