Sunday, August 3, 2008

I think news anchors favorite stories have to be about exotic snakes that go missing.

So it's Saturday night. Woo. To celebrate I bought the first season of the Ricky Gervais show on iTunes, even though I've heard clips of most of it, I felt I should own it. Also I bought some movies today, Spiderman 1 and 2, and King Kong. They were used and really cheap, but the point is I'm quickly burning through all the money I've saved up through the summer. Actually I'm soon to stop bringing in money, going into my last week of work. So that'll be fun. Fafsa finished, now I need to get a loan for a computer and to make sure I have money for rent and stuff.
Wow... this is boring crap. I kind of feel like this blog should be about Simon the writer/director/ everything else cool, not Simon the student/ gas station attendant; and since I didn't work on my script or other cool stuff, I really don't feel like I should keep talking. Also I can’t concentrate while listening to this hilarious Gervais show. Sorry. I'll try and get something worth talking about done by next Saturday.


emily said...

Today I saw a news story on a rattler that got loose near Toledo. Thought of you.

Simon F. Koch said...

yeah, a bunch got loose near Cleveland a bit ago ... i bet the news makers are letting them go on purpose.