Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Have I got the look that, gets the looks?

Ok, changed the puke / neon green colors to something more classy, and put in some current pictures. Hopefully making it look nice will make me want to post more. One of the problems I’m having is coming up with a cool blog name that lets you know who I am and what I do. so far all I can think of is "what's Koch-ing?'" but even on the chance that people know my last name is pronounced "cook" and get the connection, its still incredibly cheesy and lame. So i'm'a just stick with the all business, straight up in your face, SFK:B or Simon F. Koch: Blog, unless you want to write me with a suggestion. I’ll even make a contest out of it. The person who helps me find a hip new title will win a free autographed copy of my self published comic book.... that I plan to release sometime in the next 2 years. I have about 4 pages done now.

Well that’s all for now, just a short update since I posted 2 days ago.


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