So I finished the first draft of my script, it looks really good too. I don't mean that literally because it’s still in my hand writing and that wouldn't even look good to someone who's drunk and dyslexic. But it’s got everything I want in it, action, drama, comedy, even more comedy. Well actually it’s not that action packed, and the drama in it is about at dramatic as an emo tween yelling at his parents. But it’s got comedy. Now I have to begin the process of taking it from hilarious to uproarious. Something I'm confident I can do, if not for ... the distractions. Yes as of late there have been many things distracting me, and taking me even further away from my ideal situation of being locked in a room with a word file for 18 hours a day. These menial actives include but are not limited to getting ready to go back to school, refilling financial aid, applying for loans, paying my first months rent, and I know some of you may disagree with me on this, but work sucks. My cover job as a gas station attendant has been getting worse and worse. I no longer have any third shift nights which were the reward for putting up with all you annoying ass customers in the day. And no, I can't do anything about "those crazy gas prices", and I also don't care if it’s a third of a cent cheaper at some station 20 miles from here. I was considering leaving early to spend an extra week doing nothing, but as much as it pains me I really need that one last check so when I go to college I can put of getting a new job for slightly longer. All and all though I think I'm ready to be done. summers been a hoot, you know bumming rides off people and working full time, but I'm ready to start my 8 course semester that also includes 2 positions on campus groups. Wait... wtf? 8 courses and 2 positions? Am I insane? I guess when I fail out I'm going to have to open a used car store with deals so insane it goes beyond funny and you feel so bad for me you're guilted into buying an SUV. but in all seriousness, I have 3, 3!, 0 credit hour courses this year, 4 if you include all the 046's I need to make up (I guess that’s a joke for Bowling Green film people who know what 046 is). And if I may make one more complaint about school really quick, with 8 courses only 1 of them requires books. 1 class worth of books? woohoo, right? NO! Mother f'ing English 2_0_something has $200 worth of books. $200! FOR ONE CLASS! JESUS TITTY SUCKING CHRIST! If the instructor is that strict about having so many books I can only fear the worst... that he's going to expect me to actually read some of them. I didn't go to college to pay loads of cash on books.... or did I? I guess other than that I'm also starting to look for my internship for next summer. Cause if there’s one thing film school has taught me so far it’s that film school is worthless and all that counts is your internships. well now that I'm good and angry at not having enough money I need to try and sleep so I can wake up and be at work in 5 hours, which isn't going to happen because I woke up at 6 pm today ... don't look down on me I'm still used to working third shift. Later, Bill Hader.
AND NO! I didn’t use any paragraph breaks…. I hope it pissed you off.
yoo. thank you for this style :)
я считаю: прелестно. а82ч
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